Tuesday 4 February 2014

Audience Feedback

Audience feedback is very important to a production as it shows our group what we need to improve on and allows us to do so. It also lets us understand the audience more and what would they like to see through their comments. The feedback wouldn't be biased which truly shows what needs to improved. By using the feedback our final opening sequence will be successfully improved and add conventions that our audience wanted to see.

Our group created a presentation and presented aspects about opening sequence and our rough cut to the classs. Whilst the class was watching our rough cut they would write down a few postives and negatives about our rough cut. Afterwards we looked back on what they think we need to improve on so we could contructively improve our opening sequence based on their comments.
Also as a group we created questionaires about different aspects of a thriller to give out to a random selection of people. We gave the questionaire to many and different people so we wouldnt get biased results. We created these questionaires so as a group we could see what conventions and micro elements to add into our opening sequence which would suit our audience. As a result of these questionaires we knew what audience to suit our thriller at, what elements to add into it and what conventions to use.

The feeback on how to improve our opening sequence from the class proficiently helped us when making improvements to our opening scene. We found out what we need improve on for our opening sequence to be more successful and we could see what our weakness are and what we need to do to improve them. This would benefit our production as our audience would engage into our opening sequence more meaning that our opening sequence has become more successful after the improvements. It would also benefit the industry as our opening sequence is very conventional therefore it looks very professional meaning that our opening sequence looks genuine.

We recieved postive comments as well as consructive comments. One postive comment that most of the class thought of our opening sequence was the good use of camera angles. We was happy that we got many positve comments about our camera angles as we tried really hard to produce many different shots and angles in our opening sequence.

Another positve comment we also got from our class peers was that we had successful low key lighting. This is another comment that we was happy with as we filmed in the light so we had to darken our opening sequence on final cut pro. Therefore it shows us that we have edited our opening sequence successfully as the audience believed we filmed in the dark.

The final main postive comment we received was that our mise en scene is very conventional to the thriller genre. We believe this was a fair comment as our thriller was set in the forest and a creepy house. We also tried to show of the mise en scene by using long shots when appropiate.

We also had many constructive comments so that our group could improve our thriller and get it to the best of our ability. One comment that most of our peers said on what to improve was to make the narrative clearer. We believed that our peers thought this was because we had no music in the background with no opening credits also. So instead of overcoming this by re thinking of a narrative we will add in conventional music to our thriller so the audience can understand what our narrative is about therefore meaning they will be able to engage with our thriller more.

Another contructive comment that came up alot was to make the use of the character clearer. We discussed what we could to to improve this, we could either add in another character or make the shots more clear on the character we already have. We decided to make the shots more clearer on the character we already have by using a range of different shots which are steady. If we had to add in a different character we wouldve had to change the narrative completly.

A constructive comment was it improve on the music we had in the rough cut as well only had one soundtrack. We thought this was good feedback and added in more conventional music. For example when the radio comes up we put up a creepy sound clip behind it to create tension for the audience. We added in many sounds that tie in with the image its with. When the door opens we added in a creaking door noise. By adding in sound it makes the film more interesting and the audience will engage with the film more.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why audience feedback is essential to carry out and the comments that you included, helps to support the points that you have made. You have also started to reflect on the comments that you received.
