Wednesday 22 January 2014

Rough Cut- Miss Miller

A rough cut is important to consider as it allows the group to see what we can improve on from feedback from an audience. We as a group can also see what we need to improve on to be more successful. Its important to do a rough cut so we can get a better view on what needs improving. Its very important to consider audience feedback as they are our audience so what they think needs improving is correct and need to make changes to our rough cut for it to be more successful. The things the audience thinks needs improving will be taken into account definitely as they are the people watching our film. In our group we created a presentation about our opening sequence to show our class. In the powerpoint we described our narrative, how we got the idea and what each person in the group role was. They then watched our opening sequence and gave us feedback on our rough cut. They gave us marks out of 60 and comments on how successful our rough cut was. We also put our rough cut on youtube and received comments also.

We received many different views on our rough cut. Out of 60 our average mark was 40. This means roughly we are obtaining a level 3 Band for our opening sequence. We need to improve by about 8 marks to obtain a secure band 4. Our class mates thought we had good use of camera angles, successful low key lighting, and conventional mise en scene. Our class mates said we should improve on making the narrative clearer, making the use of the character clearer, add in more conventional music and use different timing of shots. From the comments on youtube we need to change the style of the fonts for it to be conventional to the thriller genre.

From our feedback our group we can see we need to improve our opening sequence to obtain a higher grade and for it to be more successful. From our feedback we can see we need to make the narrative more clear by adding in a soundtrack and other elements such as making our opening sequence a bit lighterso the audience can see whats going on. We also can see that we need to add in credits and edit our opening sequence. The feedback will help us assist finalising our rough cut as we now know what we need to improve on.

This is the url to view our rough cut opening sequence-

1 comment:

  1. You have given a sound analysis of you rough cut stating the purpose of it as well as the feedback received.

    1) Make sure you explain how and why you will make certain changes in relation to your sequence - be specific
    2) Explain how you have found this feedback useful for improving your sequence
    3) Check clarity of work etc.
