Sunday 22 December 2013

Opening Scenaration - Miss Miller

Our narrative is about a girl being possessed in a creepy house which is her own home, after being possessed she goes to the forest and drowns herself in the lake. Our narrative begins with household objects which are creepy to set the scene. We are using creepy household objects to show the audience that its set in a creepy house which builds tension for them and creates a tense atmosphere. The sound over the objects will be an eerie soundtrack which will create a tense atmosphere for the audience. The credits will be put over the still images, these credits include director, actress etc. The creepy objects we are using is a static television, a very old radio and a globe. After the mid shots of the household objects there are shots off the girl in her bedroom putting on make up. The shot is a mid shot, side shot and over the shoulder shot so the audience can clearly see she is applying makeup. Over these shots is still the same soundtrack to let the shots flow. We thought it would be a good idea for the girl to put make up on as it shows she an innocent girl which is very conventional to the thriller genre especially because she is blonde and young as well. This builds a relationship between the audience and the character straight away as they will sympathise for her. It will also create massive shock with audience when evidence is shown of her being possessed. After applying make-up the girl puts a watch on her wrist which symbolises there is not long until her death which is our iconography of our opening sequence. There will be a closeup of her watch to clearly show the audience there is not long until her death.This may build tension for the audience which is very conventional in thrillers. She leaves the room looking very ill and goes to the bathroom. Here we start to see the girl being obsessed with water as she washes her face even though she has just applied make-up which doesn't make sense and shows the audience that she is far from normal. The same soundtrack is still being played over this shot which builds up to the climax of the opening sequence. She goes down stairs and gets a glass of water circles it and pour it on the floor. Here is an high angle of her circling water to show that she is small and make the house bigger which is daunting for the audience. When she drops the glass on the floor its a mid shot just so we can see the glass of water to build suspense. The audience will start to understand that she isn't right in the head and the sympathy towards her will change to envy which builds the relationship they have with her. The water being poured on the floor will emphasise to the audience that water has taken over the girl and is harmful to her. After that theres a panning shot of a creepy household object and a mid shot of a flickering light to portray that she has been taken over completely. The timing of shots before she walks to the forest are slow and when she leaves the timing of shots is quicker to build tension and to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. After that she steps out the door and starts to walk towards the forest. Here is a long shot to show of the mise en scene so it will scare the audience more. We see all different shots of her walking up and through the forest to interest the audience. One main shot that is used is a long shot to show the audience the setting and where the girl is placed which will create a tense atmosphere as its set in a creepy dark place. She comes across to the lake where possession with water overcomes her and she drowns herself. There are many shots when used such as a long shot, over the shoulder and close up of her shoes standing on the edge of the lake, this causes massive tension and makes the audience scared for the girl. At the end the watch floats on top of the water which shows she has drowned and creates a tense atmosphere right at the end of the opening sequence which is key in thrillers.

We tried to incorporate many conventions of the thriller genre which will make our opening sequence more successful. We edit it so there is low key lighting throughout the opening sequence which makes the audience at the edge of their seats. By using low key lighting is also builds a relationship between the audience and the character as she will stand out and show them she is powerful. The make-up scene will make our opening sequence more successful as this emphasises the innocence of the girl so when she dies the audience will be effected more. The watch is also very important as it resembles many things. It shows that time is ticking till her death, when its laying on top of the lake water it shows she has died but also shows the possession has overcome her and time will not cure her.

1 comment:

  1. You have given a good overview of your sequence, explaining the general idea behind it; however, you need to think of this as a frame by frame recount of your storyboard, explaining what you can see/hear and the cinematography, sound, editing etc. used at each stage with an overall analysis at the end explaining a why you think your sequence is conventional by drawing upon a couple of specific ideas used.
