Saturday 14 December 2013

Filming schedule and risk assessment - Miss Georgiou

The filming schedule was created when planning our opening sequence. We created a filming shcedule so we have a structured plan when we film and so that we have a clear understanding of what we are doing. By making the shcedule we defined what we needed to complete on certain days at particular times so we completed the task within the set time we were given to film. This meant by following a timed schedule we were able to fit everything in and wouldnt have to re film as we wouldnt of missed anything. Our filming schedule broke down of what we needed to include in our film such as specific locations, dates and times, the content in each shot, different icconography, personnel and Equipment. From this we have a structured plan of how and when we are going to film. From this we can tick off sections once we have filmed them. We mainly created a film schedule to make sure we are organised.

We tried to follow the schedule as best as we could. Before we came up of current narrative of the girl becoming possesed and drowing herself in the lake, we had an original idea of a halloween narratvie where children go trick or treating and get kidnapped and assualted. Therefore when we was set time to film we filmed the halloween idea meaning that when we went to film our new narrative we had to film in our own time and quickly as all the other groups in our class finished. Therefore this meant we was set back a few weeks as we had to come up with a whole new idea and still film. We tried to film as quickly as possible however we was still set back as we had to re do blogs to do with our old narrative. So therefore the dates on our film shedule are in Decemeber rather then the allocated time we had to film our media as we came up with a completly new idea. Some of the times on our film schedule are slightly different to when we actually filmed as other memebes in group couldnt paritcipate at them particular times. We filmed all our shots in chronological order that we put on our film schedule so we wouldnt get comfused and so our time shcedule doesnt mess up. However we changed some of the shots as when we filmed as the shots we planned to use didnt go quite to plan. We changed the panning shot of the water to a close up as it didnt make look right when we put all the shots together. We chanegd it to a close up so it showed the audience that the girl has died which will build tension.

Risk assessments are created to identify potential problems that may occur during the filming process. This allows our group members to plan what we need to do to overcome the risks before they become a hazard. It has an impact of when we film as filming wouldnt run smoothly if we had hazards in the way. Also the group members wouldnt feel as safe meaning that it will prevent us from fullfilling our full potential.

After finishing filming, I found that the risk assessment really helped our group as we susccssfully overcame the risks that we thought would prevent us form successfully filming.

1 comment:

  1. The filming schedule demonstrates some group planning and discussions, which is also evident through the table that you have included above.

    Did you follow your plan, or did you make any changes?
