Friday 14 February 2014

AS Evaluation- Question 7- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The main purpose of a preliminary task is to understand the camera and how it works. The purpose of doing a preliminary task is so that our group is used to using the camera and knowing how it works before filming our opening sequence. It also gave us confidence with the camera so when I went to film our opening sequence I had no problems with the camera. We also learnt how to use the editing software also which was useful when we came to editing our opening sequence as we had experience with using it. 

As a group we learnt many things from doing the preliminary task. It allowed our group to know what camera angles were easier to shot so we practiced on camera angles that were more difficult to perform such as a panning shot so when we come to film our opening sequence we could perform any camera angle without any difficulty. It also allowed my group to know what camera angles worked well for example we found that when I was having a conversation with Domenico the best shot to use was a close up so the speech was clear. I also learnt that I would have to film my thriller in a quiet location so there are no background noises as I found in a preliminary task background noises can ruin an effect of a camera angle. I also learnt to keep the tripod dead still otherwise the camera shots will be unsuccessful and sometimes come out blurry. Lastly when I watched back the preliminary task the shots didn’t flow meaning that I now know to keep the camera in the exact place when filming the next shot. 

My preliminary task was very useful as we learnt many skills which helped in my thriller film. The main skills I learnt was how to use the camera well, how to create different camera angles, what shots works best in different positions and just to become confident with the camera. Without doing the preliminary task I would have had no experience with the camera meaning that the camera angles would have been less successful which could have made my opening sequence less successful. This task helped me create my thriller as the things i found difficult during the task such as certain shots were overcome and i could perform them well producing the opening sequence. By taking part in this task i believe overall made my thriller more successful.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 7 shows a proficient understanding of how you have progressed from completing your preliminary task to completion of your thriller sequence as you have discussed the importance of completing the PT.
    You need to be specific with what in particular this helped you with when filming your thriller.
