Sunday 9 February 2014

Thriller comparison

I believe we have created a successful thriller opening sequence as we incorporated many conventions from other thriller films into our 2 minute opening. We have also incorporated elements of suspense and excitement into our opening sequence which will engage the audience therefore it will be a successful viewing. We also had a unique twist in our opening sequence where instead of having 2 characters typically being a victim and a killer we had one character where she played both counterparts. We decided to do this to try and be different to the typical thrillers that have been produced, we also want to excite the audience by just having one character whom they can relate to and engage with more. Also by having one character the audience can engage more and understand the narrative better as they just concentrate on one person. By having a convention of having just one character will appeal to many different audience as its a completely new idea meaning that they will want to view our thriller. We also wanted to be different as we wanted to have a brand new narrative so the audience wont be bored as its different to any other thrillers.

The micro element that best shows our understanding of the thriller conventions is the use of just having one character throughout the whole sequence. We also believe this shows our creativity as the female is portrayed in many different ways. Firstly shes shown as the victim as she looks sad and distressed whilst getting ready. The use of the mid shots and long shots clearly show the audience how she is feeling which engages the audience into the scene. After she get possessed the audience see a different side to her, she changes and comes across in an aggressive way meaning that many views of the audience have of her will change to envy her. She is shown aggressive through the use of long shots of her storming towards the forest. We believe this is very creative as we have used one character to portray two characters: the victim and the killer. We wanted to be different and not to follow the typical thriller narrative as we believed it would be boring and repetitive. We wanted to create something different which would interest the audience and excite them. It is a uncommonly used convention however the audience will still be able to understand that its a thriller due to the other conventions used such as the eery music and the mise en scene. The use of having one person as two characters shows our creativity and how we wanted to stay away from boring typical thriller narratives.
The element clearly shows our understanding of the thriller genre as we wanted to show audiences a new narrative for thrillers which will excite them still. We risked our work by not following the typical character convention of having two characters but by having one. However we believe this was successful. Similar films where a child gets possessed and ends up getting hurt is the exorcist and the conjuring.

Our opening sequence can be compared to the exorcist (1973) opening sequence. They are similar in by both having a female blonde character whom gets possessed. This is very conventional as the blonde hair in the characters shows high vulnerability as blonde females are stereo typically seen as dumb therefore the audience expect a young female character meaning that its conventional. Another convention which is similar is where the opening sequence is set. They are both set in a creepy house which is very conventional as the audience can relate to the film. This therefore makes the audience feel part of the film and builds suspense and enigma. The sound in both opening sequences are similar as they both have a non digetic sound track which creates a tense atmosphere for the audience and may portray that something bad is going to happen. The cinematography is very similar as both opening sequences use a variety of shots to interest the audience and use a long shot many times to show the audience the mise en scene in which creates suspense as its set in a creepy place. By using a long shot can also scare the audience and build a relationship between the characters and them as the audience will sympathise for her.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of how your thriller sequence can be compared to another successful thriller, in terms of the representation of the characters. You have included some points and examples, but these need to be explored in more detail, by relating back to the conventions of a thriller and by including still images.
