Wednesday 12 February 2014

AS Thriller Evaluation

My brief was to create and produce a 2 minute opening sequence of a thriller film which included the credits and a soundtrack. I also had to analyse other thriller opening sequences and write them into blogs. I had to look at different elements in the opening sequences to help when creating my sequence such as mise en scene, sound, editing, cinematography and conventions. I wrote a different post about different conventions in the films we analysed. I wrote planning posts, for example research into mise en scene and research into planning sound. Some posts were on research into the media, for example research into age certificates. A few other posts such as group storyboard, planning sound and planning cinematography are posts about what conventions I am going to add into the opening sequence. I wrote posts to link to my opening sequence.

 I worked in a group of three when planning and creating my opening sequence. I worked with two boys, Domenico Martini and Harry Fagan. I had many roles in my group as there were only three of us so I had to split the roles and pick who was suited to each role. I decided I would be the actress (victim) as i look young and innocent with blonde hair so i would match a role of the victim perfectly. I've also had experience in acting also so as a group we decided i would be this role. I was also the location manager because i knew good places to film. I decided to film at my house because i had creepy household objects which build tension throughout the sequence. I also decided to film in a forest as it’s very conventional to a thriller and we can create high suspense by having our location at a forest which is key in thrillers. I learnt that someone else should have been the director as it was pretty hard to direct and be in the opening sequence as well. I also learnt that I should’ve made Domenico director as I had too many job roles to focus on. I decided that Harry would be the director of photograph as he has had experience with a camera before so I figured that he would be suited to that role, he's also the storyboard director as he is good a drawing so the rest of the group can understand the storyboards easily. Domenico was the sound operator and the editor as he had experience in both so I thought he suited those roles.

 My group worked really well in a group as we cooperated well and let opinions be shared when planning the sequence. Also when filming I worked extremely efficiently and quickly as we had great communication between the group. For example in the forest I had no trouble with the filming as we listened to each other carefully. I also let opinions be shared when editing our sequence; this made our editing successful as we incorporated many ideas in what parts to edit of our sequence. For example Harrys idea was to slow down the timing of shots at the beginning in which we thought it was a good idea and incorporated it at the beginning of the sequence when editing our sequence.

I believe I have made a successful thriller film as there are many conventions which are conventional to the thriller genre in my opening sequence. Suspense is built throughout my opening sequence which is key in thrillers and engages the audience through editing such as using different timing of shots throughout the sequence. The main convention that is very conventional to the thriller genre is the use of using a young blonde female character as the victim. This is very conventional because it’s what the audience expect the victim character to be like. By using a female character some of the audience will be able to relate to her meaning that a relationship will be built. The mise en scene is very typical of the thriller genre as its set in a creepy house and a dark forest which create a tense atmosphere which is key in thrillers. I have used different editing styles to build up tension, the sound is very conventional as we have used an eerie soundtrack which is non digetic sound which ultimately creates a mystery to the opening sequence. This is successful as it keeps the audience on edge. I have used different camera angles to engage the audience. We have used many long shots to convey to the audience the mise en scene which creates tension as it will scare the audience. We have also used a few over the shoulder shots to make the victim look creepier which shows the transition from victim to killer. All those points have made my sequence successful as they are very conventional to the thriller genre.

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