Thursday 13 February 2014

AS Evaluation question 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

Having a target audience is important when creating an opening sequence or any film so that you can add in conventions which will engage that particular audience. For example if your target audience is mainly children over 4 years old your film is most likely to be rated a U. There may be brief scary scenes and moments where the characters are placed in danger. As with violence, however, these scenes will be balanced by reassuring elements, such as comic interludes or music. ‘Baddie’ characters may carry or use weapons, but there will be no emphasis on these. Child or ‘hero’ characters are unlikely to use any kind of weapon outside, for example, historical settings. A U film can be any theme as long as it’s suitable for younger audiences. It’s not just children films that are rated U also adult films can be rated U. U rated films shouldn't have any references to drugs as children won’t understand the concept. All those conventions suit the target audience and will interest them into watching the film. An example of a U film is Walt Disney Peter Pan. The typical age certificate is a 15 so that teenagers can watch them as well as adults.

 My target audience is for teenagers aged 15 and above as it’s conventional to the thriller genre and many conventions in my opening sequence suits this age range. The narrative appeals to this age range as it will interest them because the subject of drugs is very conventional to this age range meaning they will engage with the film. There is a drugs present when the female victim gets possessed from the glass of water; this will extremely interest the audience and will create enigma.  The narrative wouldn't appeal to younger viewers as they may not understand the story line and they may find it offensive as the girl dies, drugs are present and there is violence. The character will appeal to the audience as she will be similar age to the viewer’s meaning they will build a relationship with her which will make them focus on the film more as they will be more interested in her. The sound track appeals to the audience as it will create a tense atmosphere which our audience will enjoy and will be on the edge of the seats which is key for the thriller genre. Especially the loud soundtrack will keep the audience on the edge of their seats and will make them want to watch the film more as it will add mystery to opening sequence.

If my target audience was younger they may be too scared to watch the film due to the loud music and low key lighting throughout the sequence which would make the film unsuccessful. My camera shots will also appeal to our audience as we will have many different shots that will keep them engaged and use them successfully to build suspense which is what our audience looks for in a thriller film. For example audience 15 years older and above enjoy adrenaline rushes, this is why we will use over the shoulder shots as this will make the girl look creepier which will excite the audience. Editing styles that will be used in my opening sequence will appeal to my audience as they will make conventions in my film more interesting. Timing of shots for example will build up suspense successfully which appeals to my audience as they enjoy adrenaline rushes.

The mise en scene such as the setting will appeal to the audience as its set in a typical gloomy forest and house which normal thriller films are set meaning it will definitely appeal to our audience as normal thrillers target audience is 15 years old and above. They will be able to relate to these locations meaning they will be put on edge which is a key for audiences to feel when watching thrillers. The iconography which is the makeup and the watch will interest the audience as it will add a sense of mystery which altogether will engage them into watching the film. 

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 4 shows a proficient understanding of who your target audience is for your thriller and why they are important to consider as you have discussed various elements that would appeal to them.
    You need to elaborate on your points further and discuss all micro-elements.
