Tuesday 5 November 2013

Storyboards- Miss Miller

The purpose of storyboards is so that the creator when producing their film have an idea of how they going to create there film. Storyboards help manage timing of shots, shows where and when the production starts for example starts in a forest and lasts for 5 minutes and shows how the film will pan out. From doing a storyboard it is easier for the producer to see if there are any faults and to see where the narrative needs changing. Storyboards are images and information to help the producers with filming, by using a storyboard filming will run smoother and be quicker. My storyboard contains 12 different frames. The frames include images, sound which will be used, camera angles, location of each frame, iconography, lighting, actors, sound, narrative description and editing.

We are using a blonde character as the victim in our scene. It is very conventional to use a female as the victim particularly a blonde female as they are portrayed as weak an vulnerable therefore the audience sympathize for them which builds a relationship for them. It is also very conventional to use a male as the killer as they are conveyed as very powerful characters which can also build a relationship between them as the audience will envy them. However in my opening sequence we are using the two different types of character: the victim and killer into one character. Although this is not conventional to a thriller we wanted to be slightly different to usual thrillers and we believe the audience will enjoy the opening sequence because of the slight twist. By having two characters in one girl, the audience will have mixed opinions about her. At the beginning of the scene they will think she is a typical girl as she is doing makeup and will feel friendly towards her but after she has that drink the audience will start to see she is unstable and may even begin to envy her which will engage them into watching the film more.

Low key lighting- Low key lighting is very conventional in the thriller genre. The lighting produces shadows and contrast other lighting which creates a sense of suspense and tension. By using low key lighting the audience will have to focus more on the scene so that they will be more engaged in the scene. If thrillers were produced with high key lighting the effect of shock on the audience wouldn't be as high. By using low key lighting they are able to keep the audience on the edge of the seats which creates a tense atmosphere.

By creating storyboards i was able to figure out what sound would sound best and where. I decided to use a non digetic soundtrack throughout the whole scene with other non digetic sounds included such as a crackling tv and a radio noise. By using an eerie soundtrack throughout the whole of the scene a tense atmosphere will be created which is key in thrillers. 

I took many inspiration from the thriller films i analysed and used similar ideas in my storyboards such as characters, narrative and other conventions like sounds and mise en scene. I took the idea of using the a  female character as a killer and the victim from the thriller film orphan as at the beginning of the film the female character is seemed to be innocent but towards the end of the film the plot is turned and she is actually the evil character. We took inspiration from psycho of using a blonde victim as in the film psycho the victim character is conveyed as very vulnerable which builds a massive relationship between the audience and the character which we want to reproduce in our opening sequence. 

I believe i have made a successful storyboard as i clearly know what we are adding into the scene. I know all the different camera angles, timings, props, location, lighting styles and narrative we are going to follow. I also think its been successful as its very clear to follow when filming our opening sequence. My other two members in my group have also created a storyboard, we will look at each others storyboards and create on big storyboard including each others ideas. By doing this we will have a successful storyboard to follow as we have took on board everyone's ideas and added them into the scene. In our next lesson we will exchange storyboards and go over them as group and see what ideas stand out. We will then create a whole new storyboard as a group which we will agree on. 

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