Tuesday 26 November 2013

Production roles- Miss Miller

When creating a film there are many roles which people have to do meaning that there has to be a lot of people on one production team. People are allocated specific roles so they can stick to the main thing they are good at creating. For example the editor will just be the editor they wouldn't be the director as well. The main roles of creating a film are:

Camera operator- or cameraman is a professional operator of a film or video camera. In film making, the leading camera operator is usually called a cinematographer, while a camera operator in a video production may be known as a television camera operator, video camera operator, or video grapher, depending on the context and technology involved, usually operating a professional video camera.

Actors- sometimes actress for female is a person who acts in a dramatic or comic production and works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity. Their role in the film is quite big as without them there would be no story and film. 
Location manager-is the person who will be making decisions where the film is set and they work closely with the director. 

Storyboard Organiser- translate screenplays, or sequences from screenplays, into a series of illustrations in comic book form. These illustrations have two functions: to help directors clarify exactly what they want to achieve, and to illustrate to all other heads of department exactly what is required, e.g., prosthetics for makeup, computer generated Images (CGI) for visual effects, props for the art department, etc

Sound Technician- also called audio technician, audio technologist, recording engineer, sound operator, or sound technician, is a specialist in a skilled trade that deals with the use of machinery and equipment for the recording, mixing and reproduction of sounds. An audio technician is proficient with different types of recording media, such as analog tape, digital multitrack recorders and workstations, and computer knowledge.

Editors-  Editors in film are people who edit the film when completed to make the story line clearer to the audience, edit shots, add in effects, add music to a scene, make a shot longer or delete shots.

Film Director- is a person who directs the actors and film crew in film making. They control a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, while guiding the technical crew and actors. They have control over most of the aspects of the film making, and make all the main decisions.

We gathered as a group and decided on what role we would play when creating our opening sequence. As there are only three of us in a group we had to do many different roles.

 We decided that Harry would be the director of photograph as he has had experience with a camera before so we figured that he would be suited to that role, he's also the storyboard director as he is good a drawing so the rest of the group can understand the storyboards easily. So within his role he would film the shots and come up for different ideas for shots as well as drawing the storyboards for the rest of the group to follow. He came up with many different camera angles which made our opening sequence more interesting and would interest the audience more. However a problem he had was when he was filming the camera was unsteady so the shots were uneven but we overcame this by using a trip pod for every shot. His drawings were very clear also and the whole group understood them all easily however we changed some of the shots that he picked because when we filmed it didn't work out. It made the production easier and more straight forward as the storyboards he drew was clear and he had done work with a camera before. To improve he should have been more organised.

My job role was the actress and the location manager. We decided i would be the actress (victim) as i look young and innocent with blonde hair so i would match a role of the victim perfectly. I've also had experience in acting also so as a group we decided i would be this role. I was also the location manager because i knew good places to film. I decided to film at my house because i had creepy household objects which build tension throughout the sequence. I also decided to film in a forest as its very conventional to a thriller and we can create high suspense by having our location at a forest which is key in thrillers. Also i was the director as i am good at leading people and directing in what to do. Being the actress was easy as i had the exact idea on what i was doing however being the director also made it difficult as i had to explain to the camera man which was harry on what to do as well as actressing. We should have made Domenico the director as he could have managed it better because he had less important job roles.

Domenico would be the sound technician and the editor as those roles are very similar and Domenico has experience in both so we thought he was suited to both those roles. In his role he would edit the whole opening scene after for example adding in credits and he would make sure the sound is okay. By having specific roles when creating the opening sequence has made it easier to film as we can stick to our specific role perfecting it and filming will be quicker as the group know what their job is and what they have to do to succeed. Domenico was well at his job role as he had experience in editing. However he should have planned what he was doing before editing because it took him a while to edit. 

Each person done well in the specific job however for it to be even better is that each person should only have one job role not two because our group got a bit confused, we could of  got over this by having more people in our filming group so that each person would only have one job role. Other then that everything went to plan and was very successful. Allocating people different roles makes my sequence better and production easier as we can all stick to our individual job role which makes filming easier. Having different roles is also useful so people can have a job role which there good at.


  1. You have provided a good recount of the various main roles involved when filming and have mentioned who has been allocated each role, with a brief explanation as to why. You need to include a summary to explain why you think allocating specific people these roles will help your group produce a better sequence.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Elaborate on some of the roles by explaining WHY you have allocated certain people each role
    2) Include a summary explaining how and why you think allocating people these different roles will make your sequence better and production easier and if anything could have been done differently
    3) Explain what each person has done in relation to their roles (have they done it well? has it made production easier?)
    4) Read through and double check spelling/grammar etc.
    5) Try and structure your work so you have a paragraph for each person explaining what roles they have been allocated and why

  2. You have provided a very good recount of your production roles allocated, explaining why each person was allocated a certain role; make sure you give one or two things that could have been improved on for each person.

    Make sure you use right terminology (director of photograph - not camera man)
    Check spelling etc.
