Tuesday 26 November 2013

Planning opening credits- Miss Georgiou

Credits are important in the opening scene as it tells the audience who create/produced the film which is important information. It also can set the scene by using scary looking font or dark colours in can create a thriller feel for the audience. If your credits are successful they can also create a tense atmosphere for the audience which is key for thrillers. Credits can easily create an uneasy atmosphere as the font should be daunting, dark and creepy looking which also sets the scene. Credits also can give the audience what the rest of the film will be like for example if the credits are bloody or gory the audience may get an idea that the film will contain violence. The colour of the background when the credits appear can also show the audience what may happen in the rest of the scene.
A thriller film that has a successful opening credit sequence is the film Se7en. The credits build suspense and gives the audience a clear idea of what is going to be within the thriller film. The style of the credits are crooked writing, this suggests to the audience that there may be a psycho character in the opening sequence which could be mentally ill or could be evil in some way. It sets the scene for the audience as they get an idea of what type of character is. The writing was very flashy which shows that the film will keep the audience in suspense and keep the audience in fear of what is going to happen next. The style of the fonts were all different, the important role such as the director credits were bigger to stand out to the audience. Other roles such as the camera man were much smaller. The colors used in the opening credits are black and white which builds suspense for the audience as it makes the character seem mysterious whom wants to attack someone. Also the contrast of black and white represents a evil character against an innocent character. Other colours are used such as red which can symbolize blood or danger and show that a character is angry. The main convention that is used within se7en is suspense as the image behind the credits is a man cutting up pictures and writing which creates a mystery also. The character also has a hidden identity as you can only see their hands which engages the audiences the audience straight away as they want to find out more about the character. The character is also sharpening weapons which makes the audience aware that an attack may happen which builds tension which also makes the audience interested in the film. The music behind the music is squeaky which is quite eerie, when the character does something for example pick up the blade the music and the beat gets louder which also shows the audience that something to do with the blades may occur in the story. The order of the opening credits were from the least important roles to the most. The order of the credits were the production company, the director, the actor then the title of the film. Following were the actors, cast, music, costumes, editors, producers, camera man, co-producers, producer, write and then the director.
Another opening credit sequence we looked at was the sixth sense. This opening sequence was slightly different compared to se7en. The style of the credits was bold so the audience can clearly read them. They also flickered which may suggest to the audience that there will be a mental character in the film which builds tension right from the start of the film. It defiantly shows the audience that it may be a psychological thriller due to the flickering of the credits. As the credits are flashing it make keep the audience on the edge of the seats as it will build suspense for the rest of the film which is very conventional to a thriller. However the important credits at the beginning didn't flicker which may portray that something happens in the film to make someone become mental. The soundtrack behind the credits at the beginning for up till 27 seconds is quite slow and when it hits 27 seconds the credits appear quicker and they start to flicker. This also may suggest that something happens in the opening sequence which causes something bad to happen. It create enigma for the audience. The colour of the opening credits are white on a black background which are done to stand out clearly. Also the contrast of black and white represents a evil character against an innocent character which will build tension for the audience as there watching the film. The music behind the credits was upbeat and quite eerie to show the audience that the opening sequence will be very interesting which will engage the audience.

For our groups opening credits we discussed many different ideas for the text size, colour and the font style. We also looking at many different film opening credits to give us inspiration on what would be the most successful.
For the opening credits of our group thriller film, we collectively discussed our ideas for the text size, colour and the font style. We decided we wanted to make the font fragmented and crooked to show that the killer has mental issues. We also decided that the font of our film title should be bigger then the rest of the credits as this is the most important credit. We decided that fonts would get bigger and bigger until they reach the title of the film. We also decided to make the fonts grow so the audience are aware that the attack happens at the end of the sequence. The colour of the font would be an dark green so its conventional to the forest scene. We will have the opening credits appear over still credits so the audience can clearly read them without getting distracted from whats going on in the background. The music behind the credits will be an eerie soundtrack to build tension for the audience and engage them within the film.
The order of appearance that we will use is: Location manager, costume/makeup, storyboards/screen play, casting, actors, editors, directors/ co directors, production company and finally the title of the film.

- example of our credits.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of why opening credits, are essential to include within a production. You have analysed the credits from Se7en well, but you need to relate your points back to the conventions of a thriller film in further detail and discuss the audience relationship, to demonstrate further understanding.

    Within this post, you also need to consider a second opening credit sequence to analyse and then you need to discuss what your credits will say and what they will look like. What fonts/styles are your selected to include and why? What colours and effects will you include and why?
