Saturday 9 November 2013

Editing Styles- Miss Georgiou

Editing styles are different effects that the directors of the film add in to make it more interesting for the audience or to create an effect, for example a a dissolve shot is where one image is blended with another to build tension.Editing is important within a thriller film as it keeps the audience engaged whilst watching the film. Editing is important in the opening sequence as it has to be successful for audience to stay interested. It builds tension and suspense really well and is needed in thriller films for it to be conventional to thrillers. Editing helps the director put all the cuts together to finish the film.

In my opening sequence we will use different editing styles to engage the audience and to keep them interested throughout the opening sequence. The first shot we are using is timing of shots. We are planning to have the shots slow at the beginning of the scene which will build up suspense for the audience and build up to the climax of the scene. When the girl is getting ready to go out we have the shots slow and when she leaves the house the shots will be slightly quicker as its getting closer to the tragedy. By the time she gets to the forest it will be very quick as it will build tension for the audience and they will become aware that something bad will happen. After she drowns herself the shots become slow again to show that she has drowned. Its very conventional to thrillers as it builds suspense and tension really well which is a key element in thrillers.

Shot of where the timing of shots is slow.

 Shot of where the timing of shot is fast.

Another main editing shot we will use is a jump cut, a jump cut is where the camera suddenly focuses on something. In our sequence we are using a jump cut to focus on the watch when she is getting ready. We are using a jump cut shot on the watch to give the audience a clue that there is little time before she drowns which builds tension massively. We are also using a jump cut on the watch because at the end of the scene, the watch will float on top of the lake water to imply that she has drowned which will create a tense an atmosphere for the audience which is very conventional to thrillers.
 Shot of the jump cut on the watch.

The third editing shot is we are using is a straight cut. Straight cuts are where a shot is changed from a location to a different location or a viewpoint to a different viewpoint. In my opening sequence we are using a straight cut from one location to another. When the girl is getting ready we are changing the view point from her to a globe. This will build up tension for the audience and create a tense atmosphere as they don't know what the girl could be doing as we changed the location. Therefore it will make our opening sequence more interesting and engage the audience into watching it.

The final editing shot we are going to use is a fade shot. This is when the screen fades to typically show that the film has finished. We stereotypically are going to use it at the end as well to show that the film has finished and to leave the audience on a cliffhanger. This is conventional to thrillers as it creates a sense of mystery and excitement for the audience which is key in thrillers. It also makes the audience want to watch more of the film as they don't know what happened to the girl. Many questions would go through the audiences mind about whether she drowned or not so by using a fade shot here adds to the suspense.

My editing styles are conventional to a thriller as they are all stereo typically used in thrillers. A fade shot is conventional to thrillers as it builds suspense successfully as the audience don't know what will happen next which is key for a good thriller. Timing of shots are conventional to thrillers as they build tension really well when used in the correct way, they also help show who are the main characters in the film which is important in thrillers and lastly they create a jumpy atmosphere for the audience. Jump cut editing style is also conventional to thrillers because they build tension for the audience as by focusing on something the camera shot can change quickly making the audience feel scared. The straight cut is also conventional as it shows the mise en scene to the audience and builds tension successfully.

Our editing will appeal to our audience which are people over 15 as it will make the film more jumpier which interests people of that age. Also it will make the film more interesting to watch and keep the audience engaged in the film.


  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques. You have started to consider a variety of editing styles that you would like to include within your opening sequence. But further explanation of where it is evident and how the styles are conventions, are needed to demonstrate further planning techniques.

  2. You have made a start in explaining where your editing styles will be evident in your thriller sequence, which demonstrate further planning techniques. Now aim to include images from your editing, to show evidence of where these styles are used.

  3. The images that you have included, helps to support the planning that you have included above. Aim to elaborate on the points that you have included, by discussing whether you used the same editing styles as you planned.
