Saturday 9 November 2013

Group Storyboard- Miss Miller

The main purpose of a group storyboard is so that we can view each others ideas and combine all our successful ideas to create a better narrative and opening sequence. We will look at each others storyboard in great detail and chose the best micro elements from each and add it into the group storyboard. We will make sure there is an equal balanced contribution of the individual storyboard ideas so its balanced. We sat in a group and discussed each others storyboards. We looked at each frame by frame to get a detailed view of each others storyboard. We was very happy with each others storyboard as we had successful ideas which could be inputted into the group storyboard. 

It was Harry's idea to set the location into two places such as the house and the forest. We incorporated the idea of our opening sequence being set in two places rather then one as it will keep the audience engaged and keep them interested into the opening scene. We also thought this was a good idea as it split up the opening scene and by setting it from the house to the forest showed the transition of the girl becoming possessed. They are also both conventional places for a thriller to be set as they are dark which will build suspense easily and high tension so we thought it would be successful for our opening sequence to be set here. From having a change in location will also build tension as the audience will not know about what is going to happen. Another idea that we incorporated of Harrys' was using the same eerie soundtrack through out the opening sequence. We incorporated this as by using the same soundtrack made the shots flow and made the opening sequence easier to watch. Also by using a eerie soundtrack is very conventional to the thriller genre as it creates a tense atmosphere which is key in thrillers. We also incorporated parallel sound of the television, radio and door opening which was one of Harrys idea as it created a sense of realism and made the opening sequence more realistic. We used these ideas as we believed it would make our opening sequence highly successful.

It was Domenicos ideas to use different timing of shots throughout the opening sequence. We incorporated this idea as it would create high suspense and tension through out the whole opening sequence. We incorporated the idea of the timing of shots being slow at the beginning so it builds up to the death at the end and the shots at the end getting faster to release adrenaline. It was also Domenicos idea to use a straight cut form different locations. We decided to incorporate as it would create high tension as the audience cant see what is going on at one of the locations. This is very conventional as it would create a sense of mystery which is key in thrillers. By using a straight cut also would engage the audience into watching the film as it would create adrenaline for them. Another one of Domenico's idea we decided to incorporate was the iconography of using the watch. By adding this into our opening sequence would create a sense of mystery as it would create enigma. We are using this idea as it will convey to the audience that her time is up. It will also tell the audience that there is not a long time until her death is due. We thought this is a good idea as its very unique.

My idea was putting a jumpcut shot of the watch as it would clearly show to the audience that her time is almost up which would create high tension therefore our opening sequence will be conventional. It was also my idea to incorporate many different shots to interest the audience. We are especially adding in long shots to show off the mise en scene to the audience which will create a tense atmosphere. By using long shots will also show off her body language clearly which will illustrate to the audience that she has been possessed. We also took my idea of using a handheld shot which will create high tension as the camera shaking about will put the audience on edge which is a key feeling in thrillers. It will also make the opening sequence more dramatic and put the audience on edge. We are also incorporating my main idea of only using one character and putting two characters into one. We incorporated this idea as its very unique and different even though its slightly breaking the conventions we thought it will still be successful. We decided as a group that we would only use one character also so the audience can put there entire focus on her which will build a bigger relationship between the two. Also we incorporated my idea of the girl being around 15 so the audience can relate to her more so they will feel empathy for her.

I think our group storyboard has been successful as we have a clear understanding of the narrative and what we are going to film in a few weeks time. By incorporating different peoples ideas gave us a highly successful storyboard. When we go to film we all understand what we are doing so we able to film quickly and successfully. If there was anything to change about the storyboard was to make the scenes with low key lighting however we cant film in the dark as the picture will not come out. On the other hand we could make our opening sequence low key when it comes to the editing stage. Overall our group storyboard has been a high success as we have a clear narrative and conventions we are going to follow.


  1. You hvae briefly explained whose ideas you have taken and for what element, mentioning how you came to these decisions; however, you need to give examples of the elements taken from each other and explain why they have been used instead of others.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Give examples of the elements taken from each other and explain why these specific ideas have been used instead of others
    2) Explain how you compromised ideas etc.
    3) Explain WHY you think your idea is better now as a result of taking each other's ideas on board
    4) Include an introduction explaining the purpose of creating a group storyboard

  2. Refer back to comment at top and comment on individual storyboard with regards to summaries of each page
