Saturday 5 October 2013

Research into age certificates and the BBFC- Miss Georgiou

The BBFC which stands for British Board of film classification basically classifies what age certificate to give the film. Its important to the the film industry as it allows the director of the film to add in conventions to the film which are suitable for the age certificate. The BBFC is basically to protect children. They have classification guidelines which enable them to choose what rating to give each film. Two examiners examine each film and come to a group decision into what to give the film. They look at stuff like drugs, horror, discrimination, danger, language, nudity, sex and violence when making the decision. They also consider the theme and whether its suitable for children. BBFC gives out different age certificates such as
U,PG,12,12A,15 and 18

U stands for universal which means its suitable for any ages. It should be for people over 4 years old but people younger are allowed to watch films with U rating. Films with a U rating shouldn't have any bad language but mild words like 'for god sake' is allowed. In films rated U characters are able to kiss and cuddle but no other sexual behavior is allowed. Brief violence is allowed however it must be resolved quickly. There may be brief scary scenes and moments where the characters are placed in danger. As with violence, however, these scenes will be balanced by reassuring elements, such as comic interludes or music.‘Baddie’ characters may carry or use weapons, but there will be no emphasis on these. Child or ‘hero’ characters are unlikely to use any kind of weapon outside, for example, historical settings. A U film can be any theme as long as its suitable for younger audiences. Its not just children films that are rated U also adult films can be rated U. U rated films shouldn't have any references to drugs as children wont understand the concept. 
An example of a U film is Walt Disney Peter Pan. Its rated a U film as it follows all the U guidelines for example a fight is quickly resolved between peter pan and the enemy 'Hook' so it doesn't upset younger viewers. Also there is no references to drugs, sexual behavior and no use of bad language throughout the film allowing the BBFC to rate it a U.

Pg stands for parental guidance which basically means parents can decide whether they want there child to watch the film, even though its suitable for general viewing its shouldn't disturb any child over 8 years old. A pg rating films are for all audience, young to old, there appropriate from people older then 8 years old.  No themes are prohibited for PG but themes such as bullying, drugs, smoking and drinking will be seen as bad in PG films and discourage people from doing it. There may be mild language in PG films such as 'shit' but wont be used aggressively. There can be mild sex references in PGs but not in detail or there can be but a child wont be able to understand it as its said in a comical way. There shouldn't be a huge detail of violence in PGs, there might be some blood but the audience wont see the whole wound in detail. An example of a pg film  is 'Home Alone'. In the film there is violence between the boy and the 2 robbers but there are no injuries in detail. There's also mild language used but no sexual references at all through out the film.

12A means that people over 12 are allowed to see the film by themselves but people under 12 can see it but have to be with an adult. The 12 rating is for films and videos and 12A rating is for films at the cinema only.The BBFC believe that films rated 12A should only be seen by viewers over 12  but its up to parents choice. There may be bad language in a 12 or a 12A film but its its infrequent.Sex may be briefly and discreetly portrayed at 12 or 12A. Verbal sex references should not go beyond what is suitable for young teenagers. There can be violence but shouldnt go into detail as it may upset viewers. Weapons are allowed but should be seen as bad. There may be violence, drugs and drink  but shouldn't be in detail. An example of a 12A film is 'the hangover'. Its rated a 12A because some scenes contain bad language which parents may not want there child viewing. Also there is a scene of violence between the 3 men and a Chinese man. There's small references to drink and drugs but doesn't go into detail. Some parents may allow there child to watch it whereas others may not. An example of a 12 film is 'Marley And Me' I believe its a 12 film because even though there is no drugs, bad language, violence and sexual references but the end scene where Marley dies is quite emotional and young viewers may not handle it too well. 

15 films mean that only people over 15 years old are allowed to see the film. No theme is prohibited as long as its its appropriate for 15 year old's. There is a big difference between 12 films and 15 films. 15 films allow strong violence, frequent bad language, sexual activity, nudity, drug taking and discriminant language or behavior. Bad language is allowed in 15s but cant be seen as aggressively. There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory language, and the work could explore themes relating to this. Even though nudity and sexual activity is allowed, there shouldn't be strong detail. There can be strong references to sex and sexual behavior  but especially strong or crude references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Violence in 15s can be strong and detailed however sexual violence is unlikely to be unacceptable. Most horror films are set at the rating of 15 as strong threat and menace is allowed but strong gory images is unacceptable. Drugs may be shown but the misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances like aerosols or solvents is unlikely to be acceptable at 15. An example of a 15 rated film is 'Adulthood' In the film there is weapons used throughout but there's no details of violence or injuries. For example, a drug dealer punishes a man by burning him with a heated hair iron – the man’s pain is evident but we see no detail of the assault. There is drug use in Adulthood where Jay does deals on the street, characters smoke joints and Lexi snorts cocaine but the film presents them to be disgusting and discourages the viewers. There is bad language used throughout the film but not used aggressively. 

18 rated films mean no one under 18 is allowed to see the film. Strong language is allowed is 18 films and can be used frequently and aggressively.  There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory language at 18, and the work could explore themes relating to this. There can be strong and detailed portrayals of sex at 18, including full nudity. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context. Sexual activity can be detailed and nudity also.Violence can be very strong and in great detail, There may even be dwelling on the infliction of pain or injury, or scenes of strong sadistic or sexual violence. The strongest gory images are permitted at this category. Drug taking can be shown in 18 films but like the other ratings it has to be shown as bad. In 18 films there also may be strong horror, strong blood and gore, real sex and discriminatory language and behavior. An example of an 18 film is 'The Exorcist' Its an 18 film because its a strong horror, it shows violence in detail and infliction of pain. 

For my thriller film i will rate it at a 15 as there will be low key lighting used throughout, no violence as there will only be a death scene, there will be drug references as she gets possessed by water. There will be no strong language as there is going to be no dialogue in our opening scene. It cannot be rated a 12 or younger as they may find our opening offensive as a girl drowns. We wont have any weapons as we dont have a killer in our scene.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what age certificate are and their purpose within the film industry. You have identified the correct certificates, but you need to ensure that you have referenced you research.

    Within each age certificate, you also need to refer your points to more detailed examples from the films that you have included, to demonstrate further understanding of the age certificates and the role of the BBFC.

    Finally, you need to include further reasons to explain why your thriller will appeal to a 15 age group. This can be achieved by focusing on your narrative in more detail.
