Thursday 24 October 2013

Preliminary Task- Miss Georgiou

For our task we decided for me to walk up the stairs whilst holding the camera to get a point of view shot, then me walking to the door with a long shot and a over the shoulder shot, after that me and Domenico had a conversation whilst Harry was filming.

It was much harder then expected it to be, when I was walking up the stairs there was a lot of background sound when it was meant to be silent which was a major problem for us. Also when I was holding the camera it was very unsteady which was another problem as it was meant to be still. When we start filming our opening sequence properly, I will make sure our camera is dead still or is set in a way on the tripod where it will be steady. Also I will make sure there is no sound in the background so it doesn't ruin the effect of the shot. There was sound also coming from students when we filmed up the stairs but obviously that wont happen when we film properly as it wont be filmed in school.                                          

Another problem we faced was when we watched the sequence back the shots didn't flow, for example I would walk to the end of the corridor and the next minute I would be behind the door. The reason we had this problem is because we didn't have the camera in the exact same spot at all times. When we create our thriller opening we will make sure we keep our camera in the right spot or if not by then our editing skills will be better so we will be able to edit and cut things out of the sequence to make sure it flows.
- example of high angle 
- example of our conversation

- example of close up 

-example of close up

- example of when walking up stairs

Another problem is that we had a broken tripod, so all our shots were jerky, we can overcome this quite easily just by getting a working tripod.

The next problem we had was acting, when I was being filmed all I kept doing was laughing as I've never been in front of a camera before however in my opening sequence I wont be in the thriller so it wont be a problem. Also when we had a conversation we didn't know what to talk about so Domenico and I kept stuttering which also made the sequence not flow. When we film our thriller we wont be speaking in the sequence as it will be unprofessional instead we will have drama students acting in our scene.

The good things about our task sequence is that we used a variety of shots which made are sequence interesting even though we had many problems. We are planning to use different shots in our Thriller opening to create an element of excitement for the audience.

 Doing a preliminary task has been very helpful for our group as we now know who's good with the camera and can create successful shots. Its also showed us how to overcome problems when we do film. Also to get a new tri-pod  to make sure are shots will be steady. We could also see what shots work best when filming. However we will film in a different environment to the school so we may face other problems that we wont know how to overcome.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates some understanding of why you carried out the preliminary task. You have started to explored the purpose of the task and you have also started to consider the effect that some of your shots had.

    However, you need to consider the strengths and weaknesses of this task and then discuss these points in further detail throughout.

    Finally aim to include your preliminary task, within this post.
