Friday 18 October 2013

Group narrative- Miss Georgiou

Purpose of narrative- A purpose of a narrative is to tell the story of the film.

My idea of the opening scene is that this young six year old girl gets bullied at school or at home as a result she tries to murder the person therefore she ends up in  a mental home. A month later she escapes and comes back to haunt the family/school and ends up killing the whole year/family. The six year old girl will be very innocent and will have typically have blonde hair whereas after she has been at the mental home she will look distorted and look completely different as this will build a relationship between the audience and the character as they will have sympathy towards her and it will show she has changed and become even more mental. It will be set in an urban area because its not typical and will interest the audience more. The main concept of my idea is for it to be jumpy as this is conventional to the thriller genre. My idea is different to typical thriller films as the character is both the victim and the killer so that the audience will engage with the film more as by having one character but being two role will interest them. The main conventions of the scene will be the use of low key lighting throughout and the murder weapons. The victims will look really innocent before with blonde hair but after the incident of her murdering someone and going to a mental home she will look completely different by looking older, having darker hair and wearing dark clothes so the audience are aware that she has turned into the killer and can see the contrast in characters. I will use low key lighting throughout as its very conventional to the thriller genre and will build high suspense. I will rate my idea as a 15 as there will be slight violence, dangerous weapons and blood which young viewers may find offensive.

Advantages- Easy to film,
Disadvantages- There will be dialogue, Take long to edit, time consuming.

Harry's narrative- My narrative idea is three school children go back up to school (Media class) when the students enter the class and go on the computers all the computers will switch off and start fuzzing - there will be a high angle shot of this to make the students look smaller and vulnerable. When the door shuts I will use a close up shot to show the emotion of one of the student to show they are scared which will make the audience feel sorry for them. I will keep using high angle shots on one of the students more than the others to make him look more vulnerable and suggest to the audience he is in the most danger. I want to include a establishing shot in my thriller film to show the view from the camera to give a perspective of what will follow as there will be a man outside the window wearing a mask creating mystery. When the lights turn off and on it will create tension as you expect something to appear and scare the audience, but I want to add a false sense of security to my thriller film by not having anything appear so when the audience become calm after watching the lights turn off and on and nothing happens then i will scare them by having a hand covered in blood slam against the window. Also i want to include handheld camera movements for chase scenes to create jerky images which will produce a sense of urgency and chaos making the audience know they are in danger and running for their lives.The students are going to be wearing school clothes and as used in other conventions of a thriller film, I will include girls to be the victims as generally they are to victims in films. The costume will indicate who the bad guy is as he will be wearing a scary clown mask with blood stains on it, the bad guy will also be holding a knife dripping with blood which will show the audience what is about to follow. The colours used will be dark and create distinct shadows which will create tension throughout.

Domenicos idea-The idea for my opening sequence is to be set in an urban area unlike many other opening scenes mainly because otherwise I think it will just be a stereotypical thriller film and will be boring for the audience. The plot I was thinking of a house in the city at night, they're experiencing a power cut so the lights are out. The parents are asleep and one teenage boy is still awake watching TV on the sofa, he keeps hearing movement that he can't see. He ignores it and tries to sleep on the sofa. He hears a constant peculiar knocking so goes to the back door looks out in the garden and then he sees a young girl dressed in a white gown, then she screams and it ends… The conventions that i would aim to have within my clip would be shock and tension that will continue to build throughout the progression of the clip. The advantages of my idea is that it would keep the audience in suspense. Advantages of this we will be able to find a location easily however we will have to find many actors/actresses which can be difficult.

We decided our group narrative will be based on Halloween where two young small children go trick or treating and come across a house which the lady inside is the killer and kidnaps them ties them to a bed and drugs them. However this is just one of the child's dream. She wakes up all panicky goes to the bathroom and sees that she has got cuts on her arms which the lady gave to her in her dream, she turns on the bathroom light and the lady is standing behind her. Our opening sequence will hold great suspense throughout and make the audience jump which is very conventional to a thriller. We wanted to create a whole new idea as we thought our original ideas was not as good.

After filming we decided to change our narrative again because we come across many issues when filming. An issue we come across was that each time we filmed in my house the camera became blurry which made the quality of our shots really bad even when we changed the camera it still came our blurry. Another issue was we was limited on how many shots we could do which was very bad as the audience wouldn't be interested in our opening sequence. The main reason why we changed our narrative was because it didn't make sense when we put all our shots together. It meant that the audience wouldn't understand the narrative which would make our opening sequence unsuccessful. Even when we began to edit our opening sequence we couldn't fix it so we decided to start from scratch and film a new opening sequence. After discussing with the group we changed our narrative to a story about a girl being possessed by water. It would start off with creepy household objects to set the scene and make the audience aware that its set in a creepy house. After that the character we decided to pick as the victim is a typical young blonde haired girl as its very conventional to the thriller genre. She would be doing her make-up to show off she is innocent and then leave the bedroom looking ill which is evident to the audience that she has been possessed. She then goes to the bathroom and washes her face which proves to the audience that she is not normal as she has just done her make- up which builds a relationship between them as they sympathy for her. She then goes downstairs get a glass of water, circles the top and drops the glass to emphasise that she has been taken over by something/someone. She walks pass a static television and a flickering light which builds up suspense and leaves the house. She creepily walks down the road and up to the forest where her death occurs as she drowns herself in the lake.
Our new narrative will be more successful as its more simpler than are narrative before so the audience will understand what's going on, there are more conventions of a thriller in this narrative such as the typical blonde hair girl and the way she gets possessed and finally we wont have problems with the camera which will make our new opening sequence more better quality.

These are shots of our old opening sequence.


  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not evaluated the individual planning ideas from each group member, so it is difficult to see the discussions that you and your group had. Also how did you discuss the group narrative, where did your inspirations come from? What is the group narrative?

    What narrative theory, will your thriller follow and why?

  2. Aim to include images/footage to support the points that you have made, on why you and your group decided on filming your narrative. This will enable you to demonstrate further knowledge and understanding.
