Wednesday 25 September 2013

Research into editing styles - Miss Georgiou

Scream 3- The Cutting Room
In this essay I will be discussing the different editing styles which are used in Scream 3- The Cutting Room scene. Editing styles is different effects which the directors of the film add in to make it more interesting for the audience or to create an effect for example a a dissolve shot is where one image is blended with another to build tension. I chose this particular clip in scream as it shows lots of editing styles and each one has a different effect.

During the clip Scream 3 a Straight cut is used. A straight is a change of shot from one viewpoint/location to another, this may be done to change the scene. In this case they use a straight cut from the room the lady's in which is the victim to the corridor where a man is, they use a straight cut to show the viewpoint of the man and the woman and how there different, also the different locations even though there in the same building and how there different. I believe they used a straight cut editing shot to build a relationship between the characters and the audience and how the places are different as when they show the corridor its much more calm compared to the room the woman's in which makes the audience sympathize for the woman and classifys that she is the victim of the scene. It also makes the film more interesting at it changes the scene so the audience engage more with the film. By focusing on the woman then change the location to a more calmer place allows to build tension for the audience and creates an element on excitement for the audience as they don't know what is going to happen to the woman. Its conventional to a thriller as it builds up tension really well.



During the clip there are different timing of shots used to build suspense and create an element of excitement for the audience. Timing of shots are where shots are edited to be slower or quicker to add emotional impact or to create suspense. At the beginning of the scene the timing of the shots are really slow to build up the attack of the killer on to the victim therefore it builds up suspense for the audience and makes them more jumpy when the attack is occurring. Towards the end of the clip when the victim is getting attacked by the killer the timing of shots is very quick as it releases the suspense for the audience therefore the fast shots make it more jumpy and conventional to a thriller. Also I believe the timing of shots are slow at the beginning so the audience can focus on the woman to understand she's the victim as the camera is focusing on her and going really slowly therefore proving that she's the main character also. Timing of shots are conventional to a thriller as it builds up suspense really well and releases it quickly which is important in thrillers.

Another editing shot that is used in the clip is a Jump cut. A jump cut is where the camera focuses on something to get the audience engaged with the film. In this clip it focuses on the what the killer is holding which is a knife. I believe they used a jump cut shot on the knife to make the audience sympathize for the victim as its more then likely they will get attacked with the object. It also allows the audience to know what is too come in the film and shows the genre of the film. It is conventional to a thriller as jump cuts creates an element of excitement as they may know what is too come after the camera focuses on the subject and it builds a lot of tension. Its builds a relationship between the audience and the victim as they will sympathize for her as they will get an idea she will be attacked by the knife.

The last editing shot used is slow editing which is when clips are juxtaposed together at a slower pace to create suspense. Slow editing is used when the woman (victim) is going through the room full with the scary suits which builds tension for the audience as it allows them to focus on them properly therefore making the audience more jumpy when one of them pops out. It creates an element of suspense as a quicker pace of shots is used straight after which can make the audience more scared which is conventional to a thriller. Slow editing also allows the audience understand the setting and what's going on in the film better. Its very conventional to a thriller as it builds suspense successfully which is key for thrillers.

I think all the shots and angles are used to mainly build tension for the audience. Straight cut allows the audience to build a relationship with the characters and view the setting of the scene. Timing of shots is useful to build suspense and tension if used wisely. There all conventional genre as they all build tension for the audience successfully and create an element of excitement which makes the film interesting. If I was to change the clip at all i would make the corridor low key lighting so though audience would be more scared. The clip has inspired to use in my own film a killer which has a unknown identity as it makes the film more exciting and wanting to find out who it is.

1) Refer back to your terminology and notes and ensure that you have include the correct point
2) Relate your points back to the conventions of a thriller film in more detail


1 comment:

  1. The points that you have included above, demonstrates a proficient understanding of how editing styles are used within the thriller genre. You have identified the main styles, but refer back to your terminology, as your first point is more of a jump cut, rather than a straight cut. Also did you notice any reaction shots?

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Refer back to your terminology and notes and ensure that you have include the correct point
    2) Relate your points back to the conventions of a thriller film in more detail
